Friday, September 21, 2012

Auggie's home!

 The last few months have been a little rough for our sweet cat...
...but her ordeal is over now and we've got some serious petting and over-feeding ahead of us to make up for lost time!
Friday was Auggie's last day of her four month quarantine. It was a short reunion because we had to bring her immediately to her declawing appointment. Part of our lease agreement says that we're only allowed to have a cat if it is declawed, which Auggie wasn't. We think the appointment went well but there was a language barrier there. The only thing the vet told me when I picked her up was, "Cat is too fat." I made a few jokes about her being an American cat so of course she's fat that didn't seem to translate. Then I got serious and tried to blame her extra pounds on the fact that she's been cooped up in a kennel for 4 months - even though I think we can all agree she's always been big boned :) I'm assuming everything with the paws was okay?
Once home, she quickly got into the first box she saw and I was relieved to see her back to her old ways. The boys and I had a talk about how Auggie was a little sick and fragile and they've been super sweet with her. Wilson has been especially cute tending to her needs.
This morning we got an early wake up as we heard both kids barreling down the hall to go say good morning to Auggie. Wilson told me he helped Leo get out of his crib because they wanted to see her. While I'm a bit concerned that Leo can now escape from his crib, I mostly just thought it was pretty darn sweet that the boys love Auggie so much. The boys settled in with Auggie on the couch and didn't want to come downstairs for breakfast. So we had some good dry cereal, cartoons and Auggie time this morning.
We're in for a week of antibiotics, a good brushing and a little TLC to help Auggie transition to our house. We're happy to have her home and I promised her I would post a good pic of her once her bandages are off and her coat is shiny again.


  1. WOO HOO! I'm so glad! I can't imagine so much time away from Arch. He looks so cute with his paw covers. :)

  2. Aw, this post makes me so happy-- I am so happy Auggie is home and the whole family is back together! Welcome to your new house kitty!

    PS Love her yellow "boots"!

  3. Hey Alison and Sara! You guys are so sweet. Yes, we're so happy to have her back and she already has a few favorite places to lounge around the house picked out. They're mostly just out of reach of Leo, who thinks her tail is a really fun new toy :(
