Monday, October 15, 2012

99 Islands

The whole coast of Sasebo and for miles to the north and south of the city is a national park called 99 Islands. It's really over 200 islands that are dotted all along the coast. Only 2 are inhabited and the rest are part of the national park. They are so beautiful! Part of our season pass to the Sasebo Aquarium includes free boat tours through the park. We've been meaning to go on this tour for a while, but have either had crummy weather or been out of town. This past weekend we finally did it and it was great!
There are 2 boats you can choose from. We took the Pearl Queen for the sunset cruise.
Here is the other option - the pirate boat! Apparently the crew dresses up like pirates and it's interactive. We'll take this one next time.
Nathan and I really enjoyed the great views. This island is called Lion Island.
The boys mostly just wanted to explore the boat.
They had a cute dress up corner that the boys had fun with. I was relieved since I was feeling pretty guilty for not have a matching sailor outfit for Wilson!
Wilson took his role as Captain very seriously and started ordering his first mate to do some work around the boat.
Pretty fun boat ride! We'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. It is so beautiful. Wow! And the boys look adorable, as usual. Leo - I just want to squeeze him!
