Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I can dress myself!

Wilson has hit an independent streak and is now into fully dressing himself.  We've had some fun watching what he picks out. I've been really proud of myself for not interfering at all with his choices - you know I love a matching outfit! He's gone to school in orange pants coupled with red and blue shirts and different colored socks. Today, he chose overalls because he wanted to be a conductor.  You name it, he's tried it.
My favorite day was when I went to pick him up from school and two teachers came out saying 'gomenasai.' Apparently, Wilson came out of the bathroom with no underwear on and they looked for 10 minutes without finding them. They were really baffled and said they'd continue their search and hopefully come up with them by tomorrow. I explained that he was into dressing himself now and he probably just forgot them and we all had a good laugh. Now, before leaving the house we all do an undies check to make sure we've remembered everything!

Good job growing up, Wilson! We're proud of you.