Sunday, December 22, 2013

Leo's 3!

 This little party animal turned three on the 18th and had a great time celebrating.

Although he and Wilson have been obsessed with pirates for almost a year, someone wanted to make lion cupcakes so a circus theme prevailed. Not sure how much longer I can push the lion birthdays! He does still claim them as his favorite animal, so that's a win...

Anyway, here's Leo and his buds Quentin and Parker hanging out in the circus tent. This tent made it around the room a few times and was seldom upright - so I think it was a hit!

The kids loved the animals Nathan spent an hour blowing up before the party. Well worth the effort, honey!

We played a few games.

This game was like hot potato where if you end up with the lion it eats you and you're out.

A Corley favorite, drop straws, is featured above. I did not get a picture of musical chairs because it got a little intense. Still fun, but referees were definitely needed!

Mom steals a hug from the birthday guy!

Archie was a big hit and got some love from all the ladies at the party. Here was his youngest fan, cutie Tessa. 

Leo sure loved ripping into his presents. Here are some hand painted pirates from one of our artistic friends. They are so cute! ( she has her own etsy shop! )

We had a big turn out! Most of the kids made it into this picture.

Leo was still partying at bedtime with his new Jake doll. 

Happy Birthday, big guy! Thanks for making us laugh every day by being your silly self. We love you, Leo!


  1. Looks like it was a great gathering. I love that Leo consented to a circus themed fiestas, at least one more time. You had quite the turn out! I love the lion game.
