Wednesday, June 20, 2012


For Father’s Day, Nathan wanted to go on a road trip to Nagasaki. So, we had a nice relaxed morning and then piled into the van for the trip. We were without gps or maps, so we followed signs to Nagasaki. It’s supposed to be an hour south of Sasebo, but the route we went on took about an hour and a half. We were pleasantly surprised that there were no tolls on the road. The tolls here in Japan are insanely expensive. The drive to Fukuoka, which is about 2 hours north of Sasebo has tolls that are over $40 each way! We were expecting some along the way to Nagasaki, but avoided the main expressway. Pretty sure we didn’t take the most direct route, but it sure was a beautiful drive. We were on the coast most of the time and saw tons of islands, rice patties and traditional homes along the way.
Here are some pics from the drive. Not the greatest because they were taken from the car.

These are the 3 radio towers that sent out the command to attack Pearl Harbor during World War II. They are right by the Hario Village housing section of the base, which is also on the way to Nagasaki.

Nagasaki is on a beautiful part of the coast and built on the slopes of the rolling mountains there. We drove through the main part of the city and found Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Museum. They are both near the epicenter of where the bomb hit. The park is surrounded by some surviving parts of the wall of a prison that was the closest building to the bomb. Peace Park is beautiful and has many sculptures. There is a fountain in the middle of the park and a plaque that dedicates it to those who died in the bomb blast – many of whom were begging for water.

There were a few different tours going on and we were the only Americans there. During orientation, we were told that to show respect we shouldn’t visit during the month of August which is the anniversary of the bombing. I felt a little uncomfortable when we first arrived with the idea that we were visiting the place where our country bombed theirs, but the feeling of peace really did prevail in the park. People were very kind and we definitely get the sense that there are no grudges. We are planning on visiting the museum when we have some visitors who are interested in going.

And, of course, I couldn't help thinking of my own dad...

Happy Father's Day to Nathan and MrMax!

Oh - forgot to add that this was Wilson's present to Nathan. He made it at daycare and for those of you that can't tell, it's Nathan. Wilson says the 2 sticks at the top are his eyebrows.


  1. I am glad that peace and goodwill were the overall feeling there. I wonder if the same could be said about us and Pearl Harbor? I know that what happened in both places is quite different, but I just wonder.

  2. The trip to Nagasaki sounds like it was a lot of fun. It sure is beautiful with so much lush vegetation. I can't believe the high tolls though but maybe the roads are extra smooth :)

    I would like to see Peace Park and the bomb museum sometime. It would be very interesting to see. Just add that to the many things we'd like to see and do when we get there.

    It was sure a surprise to hear from Nathan on Father's Day. It was really good to hear his voice. We had an enjoyable Father's Day too spending time with Dylan and the family. Oh and tell Wilson I could tell right away that his cookie was Nathan, the eyebrows gave it away! So cute!!

    Not sure who says mini-van or who says crossover but I vote minivan.

  3. Hi Cynthia!

    Yes, it was a fun trip. We've taken a few more driving trips and continue to be amazed by the views. We will surely take you and Dave to Nagasaki and any other gems we find. Nathan told me you used his website to find some good prices - cool!

    Glad you all had a great Father's Day, too. We get internet this Thursday and are going to try to set up one of those Skype phones that Nathan used to call you at our house.

    Minivan won by a landslide - guess I just didn't want to admit I'm an old lady with a van :)

    Hope things are great for you all in Oregon! Hi to Dave, too!
