Monday, August 13, 2012

Moving in

Our stuff is here!
I was pretty thrilled all of our things were finally here and the boys were pretty excited to watch all the action. I had to set up chairs wherever the movers were working so that the boys didn't get too close and try to "help."

Here is our box spring going over the balcony.

I knew they were going to do put the couch over the balcony as well, but I wasn't sure when. I looked up at one point and this is what I saw. I didn't make it outside to take a better picture - they were pretty fast!

The movers were great and so efficient.  They of course took their shoes off every time they came in, which was something to see when they were carrying heavy things.  They were also very sweet with the boys.  In the afternoon, I had Leo down for a nap upstairs and Wilson and I were unpacking a room downstairs. All of the sudden a mover came in holding Leo and said he heard him talking in his room. I thought that was pretty funny.
Here's Leo going over the inventory with his favorite mover.

We're in the midst of unpacking and it's fun seeing our things in this house. It is definitely helping to make it feel more like our home. I'll post pictures as we get the rooms together. Up first are the kitchen and playroom... essentials, of course!


  1. How wonderful! I love the pictures of the boys as spectators. It must be nice to be settling in! All there is left to move in is Auggie, right?

  2. Hey Sara! Yes, Auggie is last on our list - then we'll be completely here. The boys and I went to see her Monday and she's put on a little weight in her tiny cage. I think she'll love being here where she can stretch her paws. We sure miss her a lot!
