Friday, August 17, 2012

Visiting Auggie

Auggie fans around the world will be happy to hear that she's only got a month left at Paws and Claws! The boys and I try to make it in to visit about once a week and Nathan goes a couple times a week during his lunch hour to say hi. She's always happy to see us and Wilson likes to fill her in on all the stuff we've been up to. The boys love getting in her cage with her - I don't think she minds it too much either. The staff there really like her as well and Nathan's been in a few times when they had her door open to let her wander around the office. We were happy, if not surprised, to know that they think she's good company, too. We can't wait to bring her home!


1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! Only one month to go. That is awesome. Thanks for the update.
